Short Week, Short Blog!

A few pics to start off the weekend!

Ms. Valois' HLCS Students experiencing the wonder of Symmetry!

Ms. Laprise's Morton Students practicing for All City!

Mr. Beauregard's Watson Kindergarten Students working with Percussion Instruments!

In the News This Week:
  • Band, Orchestra and Chorus have been busy practicing for All City Concerts!  The Band and Orchestra are performing next week, Band on April 3, and Orchestra on April 4th.  If you have never seen our All City, this year will be a even BIGGER surprise for you!
  • Art teachers are preparing for the BIGGEST ART SHOW AROUND!!!  The FRPS K-12 ARTS EXPO is Thursday, April 26th from 5-7PM, occupying Durfee's Auditorium Wing.
  • Lots of visits to classrooms happened this week!  So great to see teachers implementing strategies they learned from each other, as they pushed students to apply, perform, experiment, design, revise....  Great work happening!
  • FlipGrid is being used in music classrooms!  Want a refresher from our PD?  Check this out: FlipGrid Tutorial
Some food for Thought...

Check out this excerpt from an article I found on Teaching Students To Critique...  It applies to either art, music or theater and is exactly ALIGNED with our PD on Close Read in the Arts

What is a critique?
A critique is an oral or written discussion strategy used to analyze, describe, and interpret works of art. Critiques help students hone their persuasive oral and writing, information-gathering, and justification skills.
Provide direction and guidance with the critique to ensure that students stay on task and address the purpose and objectives of the lesson.
Below is a sample set of focus questions for an art critique related to four major areas of art criticism: description, analysis, interpretation, judgment. (The number of questions and aspects of specificity will vary according to the art form and number of works in the critique).
Describe the work without using value words such as "beautiful" or "ugly":
  • What is the written description on the label or in the program about the work?
  • What is the title and who is (are) the artist(s)?
  • When and where was the work created?
  • Describe the elements of the work (i.e., line movement, light, space).
  • Describe the technical qualities of the work (i.e., tools, materials, instruments).
  • Describe the subject matter. What is it all about? Are there recognizable images?
Describe how the work is organized as a complete composition:
  • How is the work constructed or planned (i.e., acts, movements, lines)?
  • Identify some of the similarities throughout the work (i.e., repetition of lines, two songs in each act).
  • Identify some of the points of emphasis in the work (i.e., specific scene, figure, movement).
  • If the work has subjects or characters, what are the relationships between or among them?
Describe how the work makes you think or feel:
  • Describe the expressive qualities you find in the work. What expressive language would you use to describe the qualities (i.e., tragic, ugly, funny)?
  • Does the work remind you of other things you have experienced (i.e., analogy or metaphor)?
  • How does the work relate to other ideas or events in the world and/or in your other studies?
Judgment or Evaluation
Present your opinion of the work's success or failure:
  • What qualities of the work make you feel it is a success or failure?
  • Compare it with similar works that you think are good or bad.
  • What criteria can you list to help others judge this work?
  • How original is the work? Why do you feel this work is original or not original?
***Feel free to copy/paste any of these prompts into your lesson plans for next week and the weeks ahead!  

Calendar Items:

  • Tuesday, April 3- All City Band 6:30PM
  • Wednesday, April 4- All City Orchestra 6:30 PM
  • Thursday, April 5th- Release Time Day
  • Friday, April 6th- END OF TERM 3
  • Tuesday, April 10th- Durfee Faculty Meeting
  • April 16th-20th- Spring Break
  • Thursday, April 26th- K-12 ARTS EXPO, 5-7PM
Have a wonderful, three day weekend!

