April 9, 2021


Happy Friday, Arts Fam,

  Today marks the end of Term Three for grades 6-12.  That means we are entering the last grading period for our big kids, and with the new guidelines rolling out next week (A/C/D for 5 days of full time in person instruction), we should be ready to transition to 3 ft of distance between students in classrooms.  Thank you to those of you who reached out with needs as more humans returned to your classes- I have put in all requests thus far.  If anyone needs anything, please let me know.  If you need additional hand sanitizer or surface cleaner, see your building person for that, but art/music supplies, email me!

Art Teachers!  Don't forget to promote this, and collect art work from students who submit!  Miranda and I will grab it from you May 1st!

In the News This Week:

  • Summer Programming: All schools will have summer programming for kids this year- July 6th to August 6th.  The goal this year is to combine core with arts, sports, movement, etc.. think more of a camp feel, and less of a remediation program.  The goal is to get more kids "back into the groove" of school, yes, ramping up skills, but also attending to SEL needs, and working on projects.. I would love to see art and music teachers as part of these summer teams!  Please look at the postings on the FRPS Employment site for more details.
  • Quaver: We will be getting this great online resource next year!  As we will be returning to face to face learning in the fall, it will be good to get a common norm across K-5 Music as to when we use it.  In order to ensure that all students across the district have ample and equal access to it, I will ask that you continue to use it consistently throughout this year, and as we start up next year, we can come to an agreement as to how/how often we will use it.
  • Art of Ed: I do like this resource a LOT.  I don't know if many people took advantage of it... I do not think I will be renewing the subscription for 2021/22.  
  • Durfee Arts: In discussing the idea of "to have finals or not to have finals" the department leads spoke to the idea that maybe not having final exams, and in stead, having a project that demonstrates the learning may be a better way to wrap up the year.  More to come on this soon.
Here is the breakdown of where we are for K-5 schools with the new schedules/guidelines in effect:
Forms response chart. Question title: In the new schedule, do you teach synchronously to remote and in person students (AT THE SAME TIME)?. Number of responses: 17 responses.
Forms response chart. Question title: Are you in your classroom or on a cart?. Number of responses: 17 responses.

Here's Looking Ahead:
  • April 19-23- VACATION
  • May 31- MEMORIAL DAY
  • May 28th- LAST DAY for SENIORS
  • June 4th- GRADUATION
Have a wonderful weekend, and see you next week!
