Friday, May 19th, 2023


Our Band performed at We HeART Fall River!

And just like that, the ANNUAL K-12 ARTS EXPO was AMAZING.  It takes hard work and time to put something of this impact together, and we did it.  Congrats!  K-8 AMAAAAZZZING art work on display this year!!  9-12- Such a wide variety of genres/media that you engaged students with.  We are an ART FORCE to be reckoned with! 

The Durfee Spring Concert was a HIT!  Band, Chorus and Orchestra all nailed their performances- special thanks go out to Julia Klingner, Lara Beth Terry and Nicole Turgeon for mentoring these student musicians, as well as Abby Casey for accompanying AND mentoring the DJ down the hall at the expo!  So great to see so many team members at these events- as well as principals and district office staff!  This event is truly the biggest undertaking in the district, and that is due to the work that you do with students, and the systems we have built together.  Still, always work to do, and tweaking to make it better, but most teachers commented that they enjoyed the expo in May versus April.  

Missing in this pic- LB Terry and Abby Casey who were busy leading amazing students!!!!

Next up, we have some end of year events.. spring concerts for middle schools, adjudication festival/trips, Small FRY Band and Orchestra concerts and graduations.

Evaluations should be wrapping up in the next few weeks, so please reach out if you need any support in preparing for these.  I am here to help.  Here is the info again for you if you need it:

  • One Year Plans- Summatives are due by May 19th 
    • Evidence should be in TP by May 12th
  • Two Year Plans- Summ/Formatives are due by June 2nd
    • Evidence should be in TP by May 26th
  • Remember, 1-3 artifacts per goal/standard and they can be "attached" to more than one goal/standard
  • For SLG, show evidence of the measurement of growth of your group you selected to focus on
  • For PPG, show evidence of how PD was implemented that supported your goal, or evidence of your goal in action (mapping, etc)
  • For standard 1, show evidence of great lesson planning, assessments, or clear expectations
  • For standard 2, show evidence of scaffolding, meeting diverse needs, motivation, setting expectations
  • For standard 3, show evidence of work preparing for the expo (emailing parents, ect), concert/performance prep, contact with parents, posts for the community, newsletters sent home
  • For standard 4, show evidence of what you have taken from PD/PLC/CPT/Dept Time and implemented into your practice
And on a wrap up note, the SCCAL after school arts program at the Narrows wrapped up this week- here is an example of the feedback given from an 8th grader:
This program is perfect! You experience unique things to your life and this program helped me to know so much more about myself. Yes, I believe I learned the benefits to trying new things and always believing in your self and your art.  5 stars. I do recommend this program because it gave me great feelings, a sense of community, and the activities were great. From the people to the activities to the people, I am so thankful for this opportunity.

Thank you!
