Happy Saturday, Fine and Performing Arts Family!

   I would like to share some photos and thoughts with you from the 2016 Durfee Festival of the Arts.  What an amazing night it was- parents and family members visited the exhibit to view their student's work and chat with teachers.  The student work displayed a combination of the depth of thought an artist must endure to produce work that is expressive- a narrative of their thoughts and feelings, as well as the more whimsical and playful side of art.  The work was driven by lessons that asked students to think, problem solve, create from an idea and make their thoughts visual through sculpture, drawing, painting, photography and other mixed media.  Kudos to all who were involved in this event- a true success!
   In observing the artifacts, and the work behind the creation, I would like to plan for next year's festival of the arts the following additions:

  1. All students in any art class will have at least one piece in the show- this comes right from the standard for preparation and exhibition of work.  
  2. Senior students in advanced classes will have their own "gallery" where they will exhibit their body of work from the class/es with a personalized name plate with their college listed (art or non/art college).
  3. This student work will be adjudicated by outside judges against a criteria for exemplary rating (rubric designed by DHS teachers).
  4. The top three students will be awarded scholarships (we will fund raise) in the amounts of: 1st place- 250$, 2nd place- 100$, 3rd place- 50$.
On Thursday, the DHS Spring Concert was a huge success!  Hundreds of family and community members were in attendance to see the Band, Chorus and Orchestra perform the pieces that they have been working diligently on.  What an amazing array of success and talent these students have..  These students showed us what the output of hard work and constant growth under the tutelage of the DHS Music Staff sounds like, and all of them deserve a standing ovation.  Ms. Betty Yokell, former Director of Fine and Performing Arts was in attendance and commended our students for not only sounding magnificent, but complimented the teachers and students for attempting a repertoire of such difficulty.  Amazing work!

On the Calendar:
  • Monday: 8:30 Talbot CPT, 1:15- Mary Zema/Greene
  • Tuesday: 8:30 Meeting to Plan for Pre-K art/music
  • Wednesday: Department Meeting- DHS, 2:45 at the Fall River Historical Society, 6:30 DHS Band Banquet
  • Thursday: Middle School Department Meeting- 10:30: DHS PLC, 3:45 at the Pink Bean
  • Friday: 6 Flags Trip- DHS and Talbot, Mary Zema- 8:00 AM Summative Meeting, Heather Pereira 10:00 Summative Meeting
Supplies, Supplies, Supplies!
  • Thank you to all who submitted the supplies lists by the deadline!  I have submitted these to Russell Lewis for you and you will receive your supplies prior to the start of school.
  • Any other supply requests (Non-FRPS List Supplies) must be submitted by June 20th, and in the following way: Stay within the budget given to you (at Department meeting).  Using a catalog that we do business with (accepts PO), call or email to request a quote for the items you need.  Have them email you the quote.  Send this quote as well as the typed requisition to me via email by the deadline.
Have a wonderful weekend!
