Weekly Arts Wrap Up 12/2/16

Fonseca Grade 1 and Talbot Grade 8 Students in Art and Music Classes

This week's Blog will be short and sweet!
Quick "Woot Woot" Celebration: We have been awarded almost $2,000.00 in grant funding for our 3rd graders to be able to participate in the NBSO's interdisciplinary project involving music, space and sound!  Thank you, Fall River Cultural Council!

Thursday Thoughts:
I would like to thank Mary Zema for presenting what she has learned about ASD students to her music colleagues at Thursday's PD meeting.  She brought a lot of information, strategies and care to this very important subject and we are so grateful to have her.  Thank you Mary, for your dedication and love for our kids. You share with them your gift of music, and help students to push their ability to move, sing, make sounds, play a beat and above all LOVE music.

I would also like to thank Becky Csizmesia for her work as she continues to facilitate with her colleagues as the break down the Link Up program for our elementary school students.  I cannot wait to see them perform on their recorders!  The RI Phil will be so proud!

K-8 Art teachers continued to work through mapping and setting common expectations for learning for students at all schools.  The K-5 art teachers are planning to build a dynamic map that will contain virtual lesson platforms for each concept, element or principle of design.  They are using Blendspace to do this and will be collaborating as some currently use the site regularly, and others are learning!  Middle school teachers are mapping through the grades with a focus on 7th grade.  They also worked on the Art Expo invite.  Great work.

The Band, Orchestra and Choral teachers worked together to build concert programs, discuss needs for their performances and prepared other details for their upcoming events- see concerts and musical dates below!

Evaluation Nuts and Bolts: 
  • Teachers, just a gentle reminder to make sure you are taking a minute to set aside student work that might serve as evidence for your Student Learning Goals if you see students scheduled on a semester basis, as before you know it, we will be in semester two, and you may be switching student groups/cohorts/classes!
  • Teachers on one year plans- we will be meeting to discuss your formative collection of evidence after the holiday break.  Please make sure you have one to three artifacts per standard and have a status as to your work toward achievement of goals..
  • I am continuing to make my way to you this month and next and commit to giving you feedback that is grounded in your specific content with commendations  and recommendations.  As always, feel free to email me if you would like to meet and discuss ideas!

On the Calendar...
  • Monday, 12/5: Kuss CPT
  • Tuesday, 12/6: Morton CPT, HLCS CPT, Band Aids Meeting
  • Wednesday, 12/7: K-12 Learning Walk with Becky Csizmesia
  • Thursday, 12/8: Durfee CPT (content specific) 
  • Friday, 12/9: Itinerant CPT
  • Polar Express night at Durfee!  Friday, December 16th!
  • Durfee Faculty Meeting- 12/13
  • Durfee Department Meeting- 12/21
  • K-8 Arts Department Meeting- 12/1 (after release time day) at Durfee
  • And from Becky C: I'm in a Christmas play next weekend! It's free at 7pm Friday and Saturday 12/9 & 12/10 @ 95 Sagamore Rd in Seekonk MA!
Sticky Notes:
  • Calling out sick?  Please call or text me before 6AM if you cannot make it in, and don't forget to text or call back in before 6AM!
  • From Shayna Morgan: Between now and the January 18 Department Meeting time, you will be working on something to implement into your practice, implementing, and reflecting on how it went. We will use the January 18 meeting to share and reflect. The Instructional Leadership Team will be meeting next week on the plans for the January 30 Professional Development day. Teachers will all chose another major and attend a full day of PD and then follow through with a release day and a “deliverable” for an additional 10 PDPs. The major choices will be very similar and I will keep you all posted.
Thanks Team!
