Buh-Bye January!

The love and pride that our Nina, Durfee student feels about school is infectious, as is her smile!

In the Blog This Week:
Scholastic Art and Writing Awards are announced!  This year, we have three award winners!
  • Caitlyn Borges- Painting, In the Mills- Honorable Mention
  • Kiara Raposa- Painting, The Blue Period, Self Portrait- Honorable Mention
  • Nolin Freitas- Painting, Durfee Union Mills- Gold Key
Congratulations to all, and to Mark Carvalho for his mentoring of these young painters!

Also, Congratulations to Reece Ashley, Durfee Band Studentfor being accepted to participate in the Massachusetts Music Educators Association (MMEA) All State Conference playing Tuba!  Reece auditioned on November 18, 2017 and was accepted for the Southeastern District Music Festival held on January 6-7, 2018.  After receiving a score in top 50% in the state on his instrument Reece was then was eligible to audition on January 20 with the other five districts in Massachusetts for the All State Festival held on March 1-3, 2018 in Boston, MA. YESSA!!!!!

At the All State Festival all students who successfully auditioned to be part of the Concert Band, Symphony Orchestra, Mixed Chorus, and Jazz Band rehearse over two and a half days and perform on stage in Symphony Hall in Boston.

Here is the summary of Friday's Professional Development Plan:

Morning Sessions
Art- Choose ONE of the first two courses, and then all will attend the third
Task- Alignment to DIP
Silvia- Art
Mini Lesson Tutorial- How To on the How To’s (Blended Learning)
Frank Farias and Steph Pereira will be facilitating how art teachers can prepare their lessons, video-taping them, adding specific content vocabulary.  A demonstration lesson will be completed, and uploaded to the site used to store and modify videos.  Teachers will then load the video to the blendspace for the lesson.  

Website is:
Login Info: jfrancisco@fallriverschools.org, password: 123456

This strategy allows for the teacher to flip the classroom during instruction, and is able to rotate through the room, facilitating through hand over hand modeling if needed (students with special needs..) or simply pausing the video to chunk content, or revisit for reteaching.
Morton- Art
Work Period: Accountable Talk Sessions - Pop Art Style Roles for Notetaker, Materials, Focuser (collaborative group work)
Jenn Mattei and Christine Mandeville will host teachers as they model how to plan a task that digs into the Historical Connections Frameworks, as they ask students in a collaborative group to synthesize the style of an artist.  

Breakout Group Session - Artist Triptych Lesson - “Artist Buckets”  - The following are contents of the “Bucket”:
  • Artists (Props for the following)- Van Gogh(Ear wrap, beard), Frida(Unibrow), Dali(Curly Mustache), O’Keeffe(Flowers and bones), Warhol(Wig and Campbell’s Soup can), Monet (Artist’s Palette, straw hat, lilypad), Picasso ( striped shirt)
  • Bio - Handout of brief artist bio - to close read
  • List of Questions for the artist - If you could interview the artist what questions would you ask?
  • Color Copy of major work/masterpiece
  • Quotes from the artist
  • Fun Facts

K-12- ALL
Art Room 85
Staying Current in Art Education Trends/Media
Carolyn Jane, Dick Blick Representative from the Providence Store will be with us to demonstrate how to work with a few interesting art supplies- teachers will be able to use these media to experiment with specific tasks, and may choose to incorporate these into their maps.

Music/Performing Arts
- Choose ONE of the first two courses, and then all will attend the third
Task- Alignment to DIP
Letourneau- Music
Engaging and Rigorous Group Learning in Music (collaborative group work)
Rebecca Jontos will lead teachers in interactive learning structures (such as numbered heads, maitre d', jigsaw, gallery walk, etc) and vocabulary strategies (from an SEI point of view), as well as how to plan tasks for students in groups that align to standards of musicianship, while making them fun and engaging, while still using that content specific vocabulary.  Use of blended learning strategies (tech), movement and close reads of text will be included.
Durfee- Music Audio Tech Lab
Optional- NAfME Professional Development
If interested in subscribing, this webinar professional development platform will engage you in video tutorials with a short assessment afterward.  The NAfME organization will send you a professional development certificate for each course (1 hour per course) in the following areas:

The webinars are offered to NAfME members/teachers for a fee of $20.  Please forward to me the receipt if you choose to do this PD and I will reimburse.  
K-12 ALL
10:00-11:30 AM
Band Room
Dance/Movement in General Music- Engaging students through movement
These Guest Dance Teachers will discuss movement and dance in music, and teachers will be able to implement new dance and movement strategies to experiment with specific tasks, and may choose to incorporate these into their maps.  The task will be fun, and we will connect dance standards to music standards as we interpret dance and music through tempo, rhythm, mood..  We should also be able to add new dance vocabulary to our maps!

Monthly Department Meetings for K-8 Teachers:

  •  We will meet after this PD for their monthly meeting.  (art will continue to use this time for EXPO prep).  K-5 music will be with Becky Jontos in the music wing, and 6-8 music will be with me in my office.
On the Calendar:

Math AP Saturday Session- DHS
End of Term II- DHS
Professional Development Day
Biology MCAS Retest Day 1- DHS
Biology MCAS Retest Day 2- DHS
Faculty Meeting- DHS
Winter Break begins at end of day!
Department Meeting- DHS
Day 1 ELA MCAS Retest Long Comp- DHS
FRPS Release Time Day
Day 2 ELA MCAS Retest- DHS
Day 3 ELA MCAS Retest-DHS
Day 1 Math MCAS Retest- DHS
Day 2 Math MCAS Retest-DHS
Have a wonderful weekend,
