David Goggins.
He could have been a Fall River kid. Labeled a special ed student, came from a home filled with turmoil and abuse, and a minority. In his twenties, he realized he wasn't going anywhere in life as he worked nights spraying restaurants for cockroaches. One night, he sees an advertisement on TV for the army/navy and he decides to make a change. He struggles through weight loss, depression and constant road block after road block to better himself to the point where he, with broken bones in his feet, still managed to complete "Hell Week," an excruciating training program for Navy Seals. And after failing on the first week, he does it AGAIN and succeeds.
Like he says here in the quote above, we ALL get to a point where we want to quit... It's what we do at that point that defines us.
Remind your students of this mindset when you give them something super challenging to do- whether that is composing loops for a soundtrack, hitting that high note, building a ceramic vessel, or capturing that still life in its' exact light. Or maybe, it's just showing up- EVERY DAY.
In the News This Week:
On the Calendar:
- Release Time Day- 10/1
- No School- Columbus Day- 10/8
- Durfee Faculty Meeting- 10/9
- Durfee Department Meeting- 10/17
- Durfee's GOT TALENT- 10/19
- FRPS Fine and Perf Arts Department Meetings- 10/25
And the Learning Walks!
- K-5 Art and Music Learning Walk- 10/3
- 6-12 Art and Music Learning Walk- 10/10
- These will give us a whole district view of the level of tasks we are planning for our kids- I will share the report in the week's end blog/email!
The Week in Pics:
Community Foundation awarding grant to NBAM- Organization who will be doing the Creative Courts Mural at TALBOT!
CREATIVE COURTS- Talbot will be getting an awesome mural painted on the ground of their basketball court, funded by this grant!
A group of visiting artists from the Azores met with us this week to plan a 2019 HUGE ARTS FESTIVAL IN FALL RIVER!
Walk and Talk and Tremor, two Azorean/Portuguese arts and culture organizations presented their work and its' impact on the community..
Durfee Sculpture Student Work
Durfee Full Orchestra Practice
Durfee Chorus practicing for Winter Concert!
...And Just in from Berklee:
Please save the date and join us for the 2018 Berklee Music Education Symposium, where Dr. Peter Webster, Barbara Freeman, and Otto Gross will lead us through a though-provoking exploration of the creative musical world of today’s students, and provide insight on methods and processes that will bring together the conceptual and technical learning of music with the creative experience and expression of music.
All participants will come away with the 2018 Berklee Music Education Symposium Resource Guide, containing suggested resources and lesson strategies that can readily be adapted for different music teaching environments.
All participants will come away with the 2018 Berklee Music Education Symposium Resource Guide, containing suggested resources and lesson strategies that can readily be adapted for different music teaching environments.
Have a wonderful week, and see you ALL Monday! Yay!
Hello, I Completly agree with this, education can be an extremely appealing option for so many people. Here at https://typicalstudent.org/hot/students-life/haunted-abandoned-places-in-usa-for-students-to-visit-summer-2018 you will get such type of information.