Week Ending September 14th, 2018

The Week In PICTURES..
Ana Arsenio's Art Foundation Class

Nicole Laprises' Orchestra Ensemble- "We're gonna need a bigger BOAT"

 Durfee Arts Team watching the Letourneau ELL teacher through the use of Google Hangouts

Ana Arsenio's awesome artists

Steph Pereira's Arts Triptych- Part 1

Part 2

 And Part 3!
Check out this visual greeting!

Steph Pereira's Silvia art students using the Quiver App to bring art work to life!

Steph Garcia's Silvia singers!

Heather Pereira's integrated Sculpture class at Durfee 

Durfee Sculpture class!

Happy Friday, Blog Friends!

This first full week of school was busy for all of us, I am sure!  Lots of great shares on Twitter- I have seen some great lessons and celebrations tweeted out!  And we are really getting a hang of this Donors Choose stuff!  Thank you to those who have helped arts colleagues to build their own Donors Choose requests- this is truly a great way to get additional supplies for your learning spaces.  Don't forget to let your principals know what you have been granted so that they can request that the School Committee officially accept it on behalf of the district!  Super Cool!

This week In The Arts...

We Dug Deep Into Tasks:

  • I saw students drawing from observation, thinking about their tools and shading techniques as they truly "look" at how light plays with shape
  • I saw (and heard) band and orchestra ensembles work hard at performing pieces that involve specific accuracy
  • I watched students begin to build a Midi File in Music and Audio Technology
  • I watched an art student use a virtual reality app to bring their 2D drawing to life- a "Dot" project bounced right off the page!
  • I listened to students sing using the appropriate pitch
  • I saw and heard an Orchestra student lead the sea of musicians as they tuned their string instruments
  • I saw piano students performing individually with headphones, following a musical score
  • I watched sculpture students build form from brainstormed ideas and plan color schemes
So good!

As things begin to settle after this first full week, it will soon be time to set SMART Goals with our kids...  I want to support teachers as much as possible throughout this process, so I will include in an email a document filled with sentence frames for goals- these are based on our content and what we have been working on.  
I would love to focus on...
These four words really encompass what we do every day...  Whether it's in art or music, our goals are usually around getting students to create, design, craft, brainstorm, compose, synthesize, perform...  They are expressing themselves either visually or in song, but also with their words as they identify, describe, critique, give feedback, etc.. 

On the Calendar:

K-5 Music Teachers!  Amelia Nixon will be visiting us through her grant funded Link Up program from the RI Phil- this 1.5 hour PD will take the place of your monthly dept meeting for September and October- She will be at Letourneau for you on Thursday, October 4th at 3:45. I will have the recorders and student workbooks delivered to your schools.

FRPS Fine and Performing Arts Staff!  I will be organizing a PD session at Durfee on Monday, October 1st.  Details will be forthcoming- I am building PD plan for the year based on your needs.  You will see a form coming to you via email...  Please respond to it as this will impact what I plan for you!

Durfee Open House!  This event will take place on Thursday, September 2oth from 5-7 PM but our own Heather Pereira will be having a Paint Your Pet Party in the Auditorium Foyer from 5 to 8!  Hope to see you at this art fundraiser! A 5$ donation gets you all you need to walk away with an awesome painting of your furry friend!

Have a wonderful weekend!
