Mark Carvalho's Durfee Art Students drawing from observation..
And in the News This Week...
Planning Ahead:
- Thursday, September 27-
- K-5 Art- 3:45 at Silvia- I have a surprise for you from the Art Fairy
- 6-8 Art and Music- Meeting will be held at 3:45-4:45 and be done on the Google Drive- Working on Maps- I will be logged on to facilitate
- Thursday, October 4th-
- K-5 Music- Meeting at Letourneau with Amelia Nixon from Link Up Program
- Here is a sneak peak of the agenda for the October 1st PD Day...
Date: Thursday, October 1, 2018
Facilitator: Jackie Francisco
Guiding Questions:
- What rigorous tasks will we plan for our students that engage them in application, analysis, synthesis and evaluation?
- What key vocabulary terms will our students be asked to know and use as they do this work?
- How could technology support this work?
- 11:00 a.m.: Durfee
- 11:30 a.m.: Doran, Letourneau, Silvia, Stone, Watson, Kuss, Viveiros, Morton, Talbot, RPA
- 12:30 p.m.: Fonseca, Greene, Henry Lord, Spencer Borden, Tansey, RMS
Here is the breakdown of the groups:
School Groups:
Durfee Fine and Performing Arts
11:45-1- Full Staff
1:15-2:40-Department Time
MAPLE/Personalized Learning and a Profile of the Graduate Activity
Planning for challenging tasks in the arts
K-8 Art and Music
Presentation on Planning challenging tasks in the arts
Work period mapping out examples of challenges at each grade level
Wrap Up- Planning SLG and PPG- Team or Individual
Itinerant Orch, Perc and Band
Planning for challenging tasks in the arts
Discussion of 2017 goal outcomes and planning of 2018 SLG and PPGs
Thank you all for responding to the survey this week and last- I truly value your input and will use it to plan this year’s professional development.
Here is a summary of the team’s input in terms of goal setting for the 2018/19 School Year:
I will also be planning 4 learning walks as I have done in the past- these dates will be announced in the weekly blog! Can't wait to see your kids getting their Art and Music ON!
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