This week, I visited all K-5 Classrooms across the district to get a sense of where we are as a team, and I was proud to see the great work happening. I will share the tasks, vocab used and other details in the Learning Walk Report! Thank you so much for allowing me to visit this week. I learn so much during these walks..
Here are some pictures from the walk! Enjoy!

Such great ideas driving this work.. thank you for planning engaging tasks for our kids! Let's continue to Dig Deep into our content, use that specific content vocabulary (I heard a LOT of key words this week), and use technology to engage and excite!
And in the News This Week:
Our K-5 Music Faculty met with Becky Jontos and Amelia Nixon of the Rhode Island Philharmonic's Link Up Program to gain knowledge regarding this year's program. They received over 900 Recorders, student AND teacher books all covered by the Carnegie Grant! Yay! We will be travelling to the RI Phil in May, 2019 to play along with the Philharmonic's Orchestra!
We met as a full faculty team on Monday afternoon to read and discuss an article on what the cycle of rigor looks, feels and sounds like in an arts classroom, and also reviewed our current maps to actually begin to identify and color code the level of each task that we have mapped out for our kids. This is a great start to maintaining that cycle of rigorous "Dig Deep" type of planning. The teams then spent time discussing the SLG and PPG plans at elementary and middle levels.
Becky Jontos shared this great resource for K-5 music teachers on CLOSE READING IN MUSIC: LINK: Close Reading Disney Songs So cool!
Don't forget to finalize your PPG, SLG and Self Assessment drafts and share with your evaluator on TeachPoint- these are due on Oct 8/9.
Next week, I will be visiting Grades 6-12 in my Learning Walk- I will be in classrooms on Wednesday and Thursday! See you there!
Thanks and have a wonderful long weekend!
Here are some pictures from the walk! Enjoy!

Such great ideas driving this work.. thank you for planning engaging tasks for our kids! Let's continue to Dig Deep into our content, use that specific content vocabulary (I heard a LOT of key words this week), and use technology to engage and excite!
And in the News This Week:
Our K-5 Music Faculty met with Becky Jontos and Amelia Nixon of the Rhode Island Philharmonic's Link Up Program to gain knowledge regarding this year's program. They received over 900 Recorders, student AND teacher books all covered by the Carnegie Grant! Yay! We will be travelling to the RI Phil in May, 2019 to play along with the Philharmonic's Orchestra!
We met as a full faculty team on Monday afternoon to read and discuss an article on what the cycle of rigor looks, feels and sounds like in an arts classroom, and also reviewed our current maps to actually begin to identify and color code the level of each task that we have mapped out for our kids. This is a great start to maintaining that cycle of rigorous "Dig Deep" type of planning. The teams then spent time discussing the SLG and PPG plans at elementary and middle levels.
Becky Jontos shared this great resource for K-5 music teachers on CLOSE READING IN MUSIC: LINK: Close Reading Disney Songs So cool!
Don't forget to finalize your PPG, SLG and Self Assessment drafts and share with your evaluator on TeachPoint- these are due on Oct 8/9.
Next week, I will be visiting Grades 6-12 in my Learning Walk- I will be in classrooms on Wednesday and Thursday! See you there!
***Please take a moment to show support by voting for our colleagues' projects. Mrs. Jontos and Mrs. Martin both have projects up for voting. Sonic will fund the projects with the highest votes each Monday in October with their Limeades For Learning initiative. Thanks and here's the link! LIMEADES
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