Lovin' me some Fall Feel from the Kuss Kids!
Well, we have made it to another Thanksgiving together!
Hoping and wishing for all of the best for you and yours. Of course, I am going to take this opportunity to let you know that I am super thankful that I get the chance to work with you all... We have a pretty tough at times/pretty awesome job, and Our Kids love the art and music you bring to them every day. For that joy you bring, I am grateful!
In the news this week, I would like to share that the Barr Grant writing work done at Durfee to plan for an arts infused school within a school has moved on to the next level with the Barr Foundation! We will be meeting with the team from Mass IDEAS in December! I will keep you posted, and keep your fingers crossed!
In addition, I would like to share that the Michael Troy Memorial Concert was a huge success at the Narrows Center for the Arts this past weekend! Gary Bigelow, Mary Zema, Matt and Izzy Desmarais all performed! What an amazing show and tribute to Michael. Proceeds from this event will support the Durfee Music Program!
Here are a list of things to plan for when we return from break!
Planning Ahead:
- Monday, December 3rd is a release time day for students- this is a teacher led PD day. I will not plan anything, but feel free to reach out to each other if you are thinking about using the time to collaborate for Arts Expo planning, Concert planning or any other co-teaching stuff!
- Art K-5- Don't forget to send over the fish for the Little Mermaid Musical! Email me if you need them picked up!
K-5 Music Teachers! Check out this teacher blog with more NCCAS I CAN Statements! Teacher Blog
Art Teachers, Check out this cool resource! ~Really ties into our work with Close Reads in Art!

- Come see the Durfee Musical, Little Mermaid! December 7-9th! Tickets on sale at the event! Friday and Saturday are evening shows, and Sunday is a matinee! Bring the kids!
- Monthly Department Meetings for November:
- Wednesday, November 28th- Durfee
- Thursday, November 29th- K-8:
- K-5 Art- Printmaking Demo (Location TBD)
- K-5 Music- Letourneau to co-plan for Link Up
- 6-8 Art and Music- Virtual meeting time- 3:45-4:45
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
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