Week ending May 31!

Thank you!
-To the group of dynamo teachers who came to the last K-8 Fine and Performing Arts meeting yesterday...  It was so good to just sit and talk about our year, our work, our families and our lives!  You guys and girls really rock.  

In the Blog This Week...

As we enter the last TWO WEEKS of school for the 2018/19 School Year, I wanted to thank everyone for staying the course- teaching in an urban district can be difficult (like you didn't know that) but the rewards of seeing students succeed despite all of the obstacles are so great.  Know that YOU are a part of the reasons why Our Kids have hope and happiness in their hearts as they leave for the summer.

Check out this Lady Liberty illustrated by a first grader at Tansey (Thanks, Ms. McG)...  This is the only picture I will share from this week because I think it summarizes, and speaks volumes about the "What" that we do.  Here's WHAT I mean...

Looking at this piece, I think:
  • YES, our kids CAN draw!
  • YES, our kids can learn how to improve their drawing skills, even if they don't think they can draw!
  • YES, our teachers plan lessons that dig deep into art content standards- at ALL GRADES!
  • YES, we can support the other core curriculum (here, SS) as we create, because the arts are EVERYWHERE...
Evaluation Time:
  • You should be wrapping up your formative or summative evaluation with your building leader soon, and I will be looking at these on TeachPoint so that I can see where our commendations and gaps are.  I will use this to support our PD plans for next year.
  • Lots of work was done this year with the use of technology as an engagement strategy- great evidence of this in music and art rooms across the city!  Thank you!
  • Lots of work driving use of specific content language in art and music this year!
  • Lots of work getting Our Kids to perform at a higher level!
And Down the Road...

  • Tuesday, June 4th- Morton Concert, DHS Chorus to Perform at State House!
  • Wednesday, June 5th- Talbot Concert
  • Friday, June 7th- All Evals Due on TeachPoint
  • Monday, June 10th- Underclassmen Finals- 1 and 2
  • Tuesday, June 11th- Underclassmen Finals- 3 and 4
  • Wednesday, June 12th- Underclassmen Finals- 5 and 6, also last Fac Meet for Durfee Staff
  • Thursday, June 13th- Make Ups for Finals, and Last Dept Meeting
  • Friday, June 14th- LAST DAY OF THE 2018/19 School YEAR!

Thank you,
