A quick Blog entry this week...
Yes, it's November first! Is that not CRAZY!? Time is flying by- one quarter of the school year, to be exact. I will see you all on Tuesday as we gather together at 8AM at BMC Durfee High School. Enter through the auditorium doors, check in, and head in to the first art room on the left (Ana Arsenio's room). Here is the plan for the day:
The PLAYLIST- Our Top Three for the Day:
- Play- Collaborating with the NCAS driving task planning (Opening- whole group brainstorming)
- Design- Designing the learning space to “mold” the work (Work Period- learning expectations, word walls, visuals, Oh my!)
- Meaning- Real and relevant closings (Closing with a focus on closing- AKA workshop model)
The PD Breakdown:
Session 1:
Part A 8:00- 9:30- Whole Group- Collaborating with NCAS- (Presenter- Jackie Francisco) Task Planning using the standards for grade levels, teachers will be grouped (heterogeneous grouping) at tables, and given an envelope with three standards from the NCAS. The task- to brainstorm, discuss and design a learning objective and task description with criteria for success that adheres to these standards, and create a “model product” for the task (much like an ELA teacher would have a model text). This will be a timed work period so that teachers have time to share out at the end, and the work should inform the map for each grade level (K-5, 6-8, 9-12)
Part B: 9:30- 10:45- Team Goal Time- (Presenters per group) During this time, teachers will be collaborating to achieve a chunk of work that addresses their team goals. Group breakdown as follows:
- K-5 Art- In room 82- (Lead- Kerin McGillicudy) Working on PPG tasks and tangibles- adding NCAS to map, and modifying lessons where needed.
- K-5 Music- In room 84- (Lead- Rebecca Jontos) Working on PPG tasks and tangibles- Recorder planning- support and strategies for 5th grade end of year concert.
- 6-8 Art- In room 83- (Lead- Sondra Arnold) Working on PPG tasks- mapping curriculum using NCAS Power Standards per grade level.
- 6-8 Music- In room 33- (Lead- Gary Bigelow) Gary will act as facilitator to support unit planning- output should be wrap up of unit plan for 8th grade and Soundation.
- Band/Orchestra/Percussion- In room 77- Work period to build and modify documents and plan for Team PPG- Recruitment, retention/communication for instrumental program.
- 9-12 Fine Art/Performing Arts- PPG task planning- either in teams or independently, teachers will use this time to build documents/slides/presentations/assessments that will support their PPG/SLG.
10:45-11:45- Lunch
11:45-1:30- Rethinking the Design of a Learning Space: (Presenter- Jackie Francisco) K-12 Teachers will drive to Silvia and Viveiros Elementary schools to visit two classrooms, music visiting music and art visiting art. The goal will be to take pictures and notes of how each space is designed TO SUPPORT learning and behavioral expectations (think specifically what the “look fors” were in the learning walk). When we return to Durfee (all meet in 82), we will share out what we noticed, and what we will adopt into our own practices and environments.
- Silvia- Art and Music (12 to 12:20)
- Viveiros- Art and Music (12:35- 12:55)
- Return to debrief- 1:10 to 1:45
1:45- 2:30- Real and Relevant Closings in the Arts: (Presenter- Jackie Francisco) Room 82- For this whole group meeting we will be introduced to 5 solid techniques for closings in a workshop period. Teachers will be seated in grade/content leveled groups and add these closings to their practices, as well as brainstorm modifications to these presented closings.
Also, coming up, we have the Talbot Middle School Creative Courts Celebration!
Have a wonderful weekend!
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