New Year News

New Year News:
Just a few quick things to end this quick week...

  • Semester 2 Supply Lists- These will be sent to you next week, art teachers!  Please touch base with your music colleagues to ask if they need anything to add to the list.  The lists should be sent back to be by Friday January 17th.
  • The PD Day- Friday January 31st will be the Annual Half Time Day for the district, where we meet as a full faculty and have PD time.  I will be sharing the PD offerings with you next Friday, and then you need to register for them online using TeachPoint.  More info on this next week!
  • The Arts Expo- Our annual K-12 Arts EXPO will be Thursday, April 30th from 5 to 7 PM.  We had some water that damaged the bifolds last year after the show, so I am in the process of preparing new ones for you.  These are slightly different in height, so I will be sharing the new sizes with you soon, and will be prepping the Kraft Paper for you.  I should have this by the end of January.  In addition, the tech department has set up a training for clerks so that they can mail merge your labels to make your lives easier!  I know I gave you some labels already, so if you have started using those, that's also great, but you should also be able to ask clerks later on to assist if you want each class pre-printed.
  • Learning Walks- I will be doing two learning walks- on Tuesday January 7th and Wednesday January 8th.  See you then!
  • Observations- I will restart observations for all/any who I need to get to, starting on the week of the 13th!  Please let me know if you have something you'd like me to see!
New Year, Same Us- Reminders:

  • Lesson Plans are due on Monday morning.
  • Emergency Sub Plans need to be prepared and left on your desks (Durfee has a specific folder) in case you are absent.
  • Workshop Model aspects should be present (in your room and in your planning):
    • Posted Agenda
    • Warm Up (up to 5 min)
    • Opening (10-15 min)
    • Work Period (30-40 min)Closing (5-10 min)
Thank you, and have a great weekend!

