Return2Learn 2020/21!


We may have to be six feet apart, but our art will keep us together.

Welcome back!

Yup, it's going to be a little different, to put it mildly!  But, as teachers of the fine and performing arts, we are pretty accustomed to rolling with "different" situations.  So, I hope you had a great summer, and can still soak in some fun on the weekends as we ROLL back into the swing of things...

So, what's new?

  • We will be (per the current plan) starting the year in a Hybrid Model.  This means that teachers will be in buildings, in classrooms, teaching five days a week, to students face to face for four of those days.  
  • Although things may look and feel different, you will still be teaching your content, and should have classes built into your schedules soon- we are waiting on numbers from families as the portal closed on Wednesday for them to choose either remote or hybrid. 70% responded so far- today is the last push!  
  • Wednesdays are remote days for kids.  This means you may be having (depending on your school/schedule/assignment) Google Meetings with your kids on this day, and potentially even CPT or PLC.  Teachers will be in classrooms on Wednesdays, per the current plan.
  • Every other week, students in the C and D cohorts will be learning from home.
  • Students in Cohort A will be in building every week, Mon/Tue/Thu/Fri.
  • Students in Cohort B are remote entirely.  These students will be on the Fall River Flex Academy.
The First Week:
  • Step 1: Take a deep breath- we are all in this together.  Be kind to one another, and know that your principals and building leads have worked all summer to try to make their plans the best they can be under these circumstances..  
  • Dr. Malone will hold a Virtual Convocation- September 1- Stay Tuned!
  • I will go over our "new normal" in an optional meeting for those who can make it on Thursday, September 3rd at 8AM- This is a Virtual Meeting- here is the link to enter: Thursday 8AM Google Meet
  • That first week of school, you will have lots of new info to digest and work into your routines..  Your buildings will have a training from the nurse, and many other regarding safety and "what to do when...".  Please be aware of these- they will have Power Points with rules and regs.
  • In addition, you will have to redesign your room to make sure that students are 6 feet apart
  • You will be given PPE materials.
  • No school Friday.
The Second Week: 
  • Monday is Labor Day- No school.
  • Wednesday, September 9th, you will have two Virtual meetings with me:
  • Friday, September 11th, you will have another two Virtual meetings with me:
In these meetings, we will be:
  • Welcoming new team members
  • Revamping how we do what we do- brainstorm sesh
  • Setting common strategies 
  • Norming new "art/music talk" for online work
  • Discussing how to plan for F2F/Remote learning
  • Setting PPG for the year- Team goals
  • Having fun
The Third Week:
  • I will not have any PD this week, but you may have some building based.. check your schedules.
  • Kids start school Wednesday the 16th- this is a remote day, per the current plan. Please check in with your school leads to ask how (link sharing?) they will be starting this day- as it's REMOTE for KIDS!  :)
K-5 Art Stuff:
As you read in an email, I had asked art teachers and principals to "pool supplies" at K-5 so that kids could each get a set of either crayons, markers or colored pencils, depending on their grade level: K-1 crayons, 2-3 Markers and 4-5 colored pencils.  You may have to do some follow up/through in terms of conversations with colleagues to ensure that this is all set so that when you push into rooms, kids have their stuff.  Of course, if you are planning to do a task that involves other materials, just make sure you have the kids clean what they use before they return it to you. (this will be reviewed at the building level)

Band/Orchestra Itinerant Stuff:
We will be meeting as a virtual group on Wednesday the 2nd from 11-2.  Enter through HERE.

I will also share with you a platform where I will be putting our PD info: LINK TO PPT for PD

Please reach out to me if you have any questions.  I may have lots of things I am still unsure about- but one thing I am certain of is that my team will, as they always do, outshine, out-play, out-do, out-paint, out-sculpt, out-draw all the rest.  You all are the best, and I can't wait to see you next week!

