Friday, October 23rd, 2020

In The Blog This Week:

Don't Forget's:

  • Don't forget to share your self assessment, SLG and PPG in TeachPoint by Friday!
  • Don't forget to share your lesson plans with your building lead (and with me, too)!
  • Don't forget to Wear Orange Friday!  Unity Day!
This week, in PLC:
This week, we had a lot of fun learning how to use Closed Captioning so that we can support students who are acquiring language..  We learned how to:
  • have voice to text captions appear in your PPT presentations
  • have voice to text in Google Docs- and translate
  • and have Closed Captions in a YouTube video (and how to translate these!)
These scaffolds can be reviewed in this tutorial I made using ScreenCastify..

Next week, in PLC, we will be using some time to hit the following topics:
  • K-5 Art and Music will be working together on Power Standards for each grade level
  • 6-8 Art and Music will also be working together looking at our identified Power Standards
  • 9-12 and Band/Orchestra will be checking in on use of tech-niques discussed in last week's PLC
As we discussed in PLC time, we do need to continue to be "nimble" in our way we "do school" during this Pandemic, and if the day does come where we need to shift to remote, I know my team will be ready.  You are amazing teachers, so creative and intuitive- and with all this weekly tech-nique stuff, that great teaching and planning that you do will be THAT much more AWESOME...  Thanks for learning with me.

