I didn't know CANVA was a thing!! (click word for link to the site)
So, I found this cool site you can register for free with that gives you cool backgrounds for engaging kids online.. could be used for discussion boards, critiques, group chats.. on Jamboard. Check it out! Here is the YouTuber Tutorial:
And I also made one, but nowhere near as good as this guy's.
Oh, and one more cool thing! Miranda Pellegrino shared an AWESOME idea for the Arts Teachers! Check out this PPT for a lesson on "KAWAII"- The lesson can be taught to any students K-12 and includes language arts content and can include history (of student's towns, Fall River, the schools, etc.). It's also a general "what is kawaii" and "kawaii drawing" lesson, so it's flexible. PPT
Planning Ahead:
- Keep student work! Don't forget as we continue in this remote world, try to keep student work organized so you have it to share, whether in your Formative/Summatives, or in the Spring Virtual Galleries we will be building.
- The PD Day! Yes, Friday the 5th of February is fast approaching. I have the 12-2 time slot for the district PD, so I will plan for us to be working on the following:
- Band and Orchestra: Planning for Summer Program- From docs to delivery, we will sketch this out and come up with documents, communications, objectives, logistics and other details needed for implementation.
- K-5 Art: Guest Speaker Cassie Stephens will speak with us at 1:30 PM. We will also spend the afternoon building our school based Virtual Galleries.
- K-5 Music: Guest Speaker Charrissa Duncanson will speak with us- she is an Urban Music Teacher working in Detroit, and has a great campsite! https://campsite.bio/musicwithmrsdunc. We will spend some time co-planning for February- Black History Month, and will work together on a Blendspace or shared platform for a unit on the Harlem Renaissance.
- 6-8 Art: Guest Speaker Cassie Stephens will speak with us at 1:30 PM. We will also spend the afternoon building our school based Virtual Galleries.
- 6-8 Music: Guest Speaker Charrissa Duncanson will speak with us at 12:15- she is an Urban Music Teacher working in Detroit, and has a great campsite! https://campsite.bio/musicwithmrsdunc. We will spend some time co-planning for February- Black History Month, and will work together on a Blendspace or shared platform for a unit on the Harlem Renaissance.
- 9-12 Team: We will also listen in with the art and music guest speakers and then collaborate in task planning for February's Black History Month. We may have a guest speaker (Marcus Houtman has an interesting invitee for us- more details to come). The Theme? Narrative during the Harlem Renaissance- The Art, Music, Spoken Word (poetry) and Theatre. (c. 1909-37) Want to get a leg up? Check out this History Channel awesome article: DIG IN HERE!
On the Calendar:
- End of Semester 1- 1/29
- PD Day- 2/5
- Formative Eval Reports in TeachPoint- 2/5 (1 year folks should be meeting with evaluators prior to this date to review evidence)
- Winter Vacation- 2/15-19
- Music in Our Schools Month- 3/1-31
- International Women's Day- 3/8
- End of Trimester 2- 3/19
- 1st Day of Spring- 3/20
P.S.: Music Teachers, I ordered a copy of this for each of you...
Have a wonderful weekend!
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