Friday, February 5th, 2021


Thank you, Charissa Duncanson and Cassie Stephens!

This week, I wanted to thank you all for being so open to learning new things together, and collaborating to develop arts tasks for our students.  I will use this week's platform to share all of the GREAT that came from Friday's PD work.

Drum roll, please...

Charissa Duncanson!

Charissa D's Presentation Platform: LINK

Cassie Stephens!
PD Day Tasks:
Lesson Planning: A Celebration of Black History- The HARLEM RENAISSANCE:

Lesson Base

Grade Level or Class (High School):

Content: Art/Music

In these lessons, students will use the arts of the Harlem Renaissance as a platform for learning about the impact of black artists, writers and performers on society between the 1920s and 30s, and how that impact is still evident today.


  • Anchor Standard 8- Interpret intent and meaning in artistic work.

  • Anchor Standard 11- Relate artistic ideas and works with societal, cultural, and historical context to deepen understanding

  • Anchor Standard 1- Generate and conceptualize artistic ideas and work.

Lessons, PPt's and Padlets (Oh My!):

Band and Orchestra Summer Program Planning:
Summary of the Program: LINK TO PLAN

Virtual Learning Walks:

  • Thank you to all!  So great to see and hear what you are planning for your students!  I gave each of you a little feedback note in Flipgrid for you to read!
  • Feel free to comment on the videos your awesome colleagues shared!
  • The next Virtual Learning Walks will be in March and May.  Stay tuned!
  • All VLW's can be found on my FlipGrid:
Formative Evals:
  • My one year peeps- you will be having these meetings next week with either me, or your primary evaluator.  Please make sure to have evidence ready to go in TeachPoint (collection of evidence form) and prepare to walk the evaluator through what you have submitted.
  • The Formative reports should be in TeachPoint by Friday the 12th of February.
  • Let me know if you have any questions or want to run something by me!
In the Works:
  • Please feel invited to continue to share with me any video tutorials you have built so I can add them to our FRPS District Fine and Performing Arts YouTube Channel!
  • Abby Casey will be doing a NearPod PD for Durfee team on Wednesday the 24th during PLC!  Thanks, Abs!
  • The Morton Team will have a visit from the MTSS rep during our weekly PLC on Thursday, Feb 11- we will dig into how to give feedback on writing about art and music!  Excited for this!

Thank you, and have a wonderful weekend!
