Friday, March 19th, 2021

A VERY Happy ST. Patrick's WEEK to YOU!
Check out Mr. Tom Pritchard and his crazy SKILLS!!
Together, they completed thousands of races, and SIX FULL IRONMAN DISTANCE RACES (that's 140.6 miles).  The world lost a legend this week in the passing of Dick Hoyt.  May he rest easy, and know the impact he made on all who knew him.

This week, in the ARTS:
  • IN PLC: 
    • We discussed the plans to bring more students into schools, and how that will impact us as a department.
    • Please reach out if you are in need of additional supplies to ensure that all students are accounted for.
    • Please make sure that as we transition to 3 ft of distance, that your rooms are set up as designated in the plan.  Let me know if you need help with this!
    • Here are the notes from the discussion:

3/9/21 State Guidelines:
* By April 5th all K-5 schools will need to offer 5 day full in person teaching
* Parents can opt for remote  
* 6ft as much as able to do -but able to go to 3ft in classroom -mask remain
* Plan that in the fall all schools to be full in person-schools no longer have to offer a remote option
* K-5- full time -April 5th (5 hours a day)
* Middle School -full time -April 28th (5.5 hours a day)
* High School -start making plans -date to be released soon..high schools will give 2 weeks notice to families
* Advised for remote students-live streaming or simultaneous instruction
* Classroom capacity -use of cafe, gym, music rooms etc..all spaces for instruction if needed (many still have this happening)
* Some teachers "specialist" may be able to utilize carts, push into classrooms (already being done) shifts in teachers assignments can be done-also use of community spaces
* Outdoor space-weather is getting better-idea of tents
* Desk 3 ft apart-all facing same way, kids looking the same way, given (15 to 20 min time) to do turn and talk throughout the day
* Use other spaces for meals AKA the gym -outside tents etc...-replace cafe tables with desk
* Mask on all times-no congregation in the hallways
* Stagger times between classes
* Adults not to be in large groups together-no food at meetings -remote meetings when able

Good NEWS:
  • A big THANK YOU to the Greater Fall River Development Corporation for granting us $9,600 for the purchase of sound systems for the middle school auditoriums!  So excited- I will be sharing info with middle school music teachers soon on how to place orders for this equipment!
  • PADLET has been ordered- I requested 25 licenses.. so when this is all set within the next week or so, I will reach out to ask who wants in!
  • Trimester 2 ends today!
  • Neon Oil Pastels made their way into your schools this week!
  • K-5 received their book orders this week!  I think we are missing one for Val?
  • Charlene Monte is IN THE HOUSE!!  Charlene is long term subbing for Nicole Turgeon and doing an AMAZING JOB!  We love you Charlene! Caroline, Tom and Jodie are also covering Nicole's sections/lessons to make sure our kids don't lose their love for strings while Mama Turgeon is home!

Have a wonderful weekend!

