Cassie Stephens uses a large bingo dauber to create murals for students to collaborate on..
We will be doing this NEXT YEAR!
Solve for X: 11+.5+.5=X
As I wrap up this school year, I do the math. At the end of the day Friday, we have 11 full school days and 2 half days with our students left! We have worked so hard this year, whether pushing carts into classrooms, working online and in person, teaching chorus/band/orchestra from behind a mask, doing drawing demos with an overhead video feed, or even making mini-tutorial videos.. I am so proud of the work you were able to produce with your students, despite all the restrictions, guidelines, changes in schedules, changes in cohorts- this year will soon be in our rear view mirror, and I have a feeling that when we get in our hot car on June 21st, it's going to be an emotional drive home. I want to start this week's blog by again, saying THANK YOU. It's not just on Teacher Appreciation Week that you should be thanked. So again, THANK YOU for being awesome, inspiring and insightful for our kids. They don't always show it, but they LOVE you.
Ms. Dodge's Community Based Durfee students en plein air painting!
Durfee Orchestra performing during passing time!
Durfee Marching Band performing at We HeART Fall River!
In the News This Week:
- The Durfee Performing Arts Team and the Band Aides held the Annual Performing Arts Awards Night here last week, and it was so awesome- sound in that tent is amazing! So great to see teachers, parents and students together doing what they love.
- The Durfee AP 2D students have SUBMITTED their amazing portfolios! Some unbelievable growth happened with these students, and I cannot wait to see how they score! (see below for examples of student work)
Field Day?
- K-8 Schools: Please let me know if your school is doing a field day and how the arts are involved!
Wrapping Up the Year!
- Thank you to Arts Staff for submitting art supply orders! These have been checked and sent to Russ for ordering!
- Art- Please, as you wrap up using paints, markers, colored pencils, etc, discard what's no longer useful for next year, and store remaining items neatly so you can add your new inventory in September!
- K-5 Music- We will be continuing to use Quaver next year, and having discussions on select instruments for grades 3-5 during the two last days of school- I want to work with all K-5 Music Teachers to REVAMP THE MAP. Let's think OUTSIDE THE BOX, and get some cool stuff planned for the next school year so our kids can be ROCKIN AND ROLLIN.
- 6-8 Music- We are also going to meet during those last two days of school to REVAMP THE MAPS.. Our work will be focused on Music Technology, Music History (20th cent), and Composition.
- Band and Orchestra- we will be collecting all rented student instruments soon- Instruments need to be inventoried and in by June 11th. Please communicate with me if you are missing instruments. Make sure you have exhausted all communication options- calls to parents, communications with VP, Principal, Clerk, etc.
- Band/Orchestra- Also, please remember to promote the summer program with your schools/students/families!
- Padlet Users! We have the license paid until March of 2022!
P.S.: I have requested to post the Lead Teacher positions for K-8 Art, K-8 Music and Band/Orchestra- be on the look out (FRPS Employment Page) if you are interested in taking on a leadership role next year.
Have a wonderful LONG weekend,
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