Check this out! Jenne Mattei's Collab Art Homework task- she asks students to complete this with a family member.. if you like this idea and want to engage parents in truly understanding your curriculum, consider reaching out to Jenne for tips on how to make this work!
- Marching Band Kudos
- End of Term 1- Planning Ahead
- Lesson Plan Awesomeness
- PD Day Update
- The Why You Matter Campaign
Marching Band: A HUGE shout out to the Durfee Marching Band (did you know we also have middle school kids in this performing group?) as they placed 2nd at US Bands Thunderbolt Invitational Competition and ALSO placed 2nd at the New Bedford NESBA Competition!! They are really growing and putting in the effort to be super awesome, and I am so proud of them.
Term 1- The end of term one is Friday November 5th.. Just a reminder that grades, growth, etc should be reflected in X2 as we close out the first quarter of the year. In PLC at the high school, we had a great talk around the "Currency" of school, and how the grading system really does impact what students are measured against, and how what WE as the adults in the room pay attention to (and attribute "currency" for) becomes what students pay attention to. Some examples of what we should be measuring:
- Class Citizenship- ie: collaboration, effort, behavior, attendance, etc
- Skill Growth- The actual assessment against a rubric that measures the students' ability to perform the task with success
- Communication- The written and or oral communication of knowledge, explanation of choice making, participation in critiques, etc
Think about these as you plan for the end of term, and the beginning of the next one- they really are the "key ingredients" for a successful learning environment.
Lesson Plan Awesomeness:
This week's awesomeness awards go to.. Abby Casey and Heather Pereira!
Check out this task that combines science with music:
Grade 6 Gen. Music Lesson Plan
Course: Grade 6 General Music Date/Timeframe: 2 Days Week of: Oct. 12-15
Teacher: A. Casey Unit/Lesson: Science of Sound, Lesson 3 (2 days)
Learning Standard(s):
Generate simple rhythmic, melodic, and harmonic phrases within AB and ABA forms that convey expressive intent.
b.Use standard and/or iconic notation and/or audio/ video recording to document personal simple rhythmic phrases, melodic phrases, and two-chord harmonic musical ideas.
a.Evaluate their own work, applying teacher-provided criteria such as application of selected elements of music, and use of sound sources.
Objective(s): Students will:
Do Now (5 min): Attendance
Reflection/New Material (15-20 min):
Sound Waves Slides
Work Period Day 1:
Keywords & Definitions
Wavelength: notice/wonder: what is the x-axis? (Math connection)
Amplitude: notice/wonder: which part of the sound wave determines the volume? How do we illustrate this concept?
Frequency: How do we relate sound waves with musical notes and intervals?
Course: Grade 6 General Music Date/Timeframe: 2 Days Week of: Oct. 12-15
Teacher: A. Casey Unit/Lesson: Science of Sound, Lesson 3 (2 days)
Learning Standard(s):
Generate simple rhythmic, melodic, and harmonic phrases within AB and ABA forms that convey expressive intent.
b.Use standard and/or iconic notation and/or audio/ video recording to document personal simple rhythmic phrases, melodic phrases, and two-chord harmonic musical ideas.
a.Evaluate their own work, applying teacher-provided criteria such as application of selected elements of music, and use of sound sources.
Objective(s): Students will:
- Analyze/define various styles of waves (transverse, longitudinal)
- Define: waveform, amplitude, frequency
Do Now (5 min): Attendance
Reflection/New Material (15-20 min):
Sound Waves Slides
Work Period Day 1:
Keywords & Definitions
Wavelength: notice/wonder: what is the x-axis? (Math connection)
Amplitude: notice/wonder: which part of the sound wave determines the volume? How do we illustrate this concept?
Frequency: How do we relate sound waves with musical notes and intervals?
Edpuzzle: Travelling Waves
Chrome Music Lab Introduction
CML play-xperiment
Exploring various waveforms, harmonics, etc students will develop their own original soundwave.
Work Period Day 2:
Edpuzzle: Sound
CML Followup
Students will use Twisted Wave Online to create their own name in a soundwave. They will also screenshot the image of their soundwave-name and these will be printed out as a bulletin board
Clean up/Review (5 min): Students return to seats for “end of class” routines and activities for next week.
Ask students to look around their area and clean up
Questions? Email, comment in Google Classroom, or ask in person!
Assignment/Assessment: In-class discussion (noticings/wonderings), Edpuzzle, CML project, Flipgrid Feedback
Here is Heather Pereira's Lesson:
Ask students to look around their area and clean up
Questions? Email, comment in Google Classroom, or ask in person!
Assignment/Assessment: In-class discussion (noticings/wonderings), Edpuzzle, CML project, Flipgrid Feedback
Check out this lesson that focuses on breaking up parts of a whole in drawing, and particularly, how she scaffolds!
B. M. C. Durfee High School
October 18- 22, 2021
Visual Dissection Drawings- To study the minute details that make up the whole.
Objectives/Standards: VA: Re 7.2.HSI, VA:Cr1.2.HSII, VA:Cn10.1 HSI
Students will find an interesting subject, man-made or natural and draw it several ways; showing its various components and details within a single composition
Scaffolding: (Community Based Classroom)
Students will do the first part of the color pencil mixing and then be given an animal theme, visual aids and drawing templates to work within.
Teacher led demo in colored pencil techniques/value. Students will use compass to draw circles to demonstrate in sketchbooks: Value scale- single color, gradient scale: 2 colors w/black, blended colors (4) with shadow and light source.
View presentation on scientific drawings and project outline
Students will choose a subject to “dissect.”
Create several studies/sketches looking at different parts showing detailed drawings and then a whole object study.
Compose drawing in an interesting way showing several views of objects, detailed observations of its parts
Direct illumination on subject to show lights/darks
Use colored pencil and drawing techniques.
*Honors Art 1
Students are finishing the backgrounds to the impossible shape drawings and moving into drawing a metamorphous.
**Honors Art 2
Student is painting from life - Brown paper bag study using complementary color scheme and tints.
Assessment is based on participation and project rubric.
PD Day Update:
I know that last week in the Blog I mentioned that we would be working in cohorts based on your PPG focus- I am still offering that time to principals, but I know that they have asked for a focus on behavior approaches due to the current concerns.. I will be emailing all principals to ask for my team for the PD day, so please, if you can stay in the loop at your buildings, that would be great. As the time gets closer to the November 2nd date, I will ask who will be attending from 12-3 with me. Thank you!
The Why You Matter Campaign:
As you may know, the city is embracing the Why You Matter campaign (see LINK for more info), and I would like for us to also work in this realm, as I see it as so impactful for our kids. Chelsea Valois is talking with students and taking pictures with them, and I will be printing these pics for the school in poster form..
If you would like to tackle this work with some or all of your kids, please let me know, and I can help you with it! Here is a PPT with a video that was made by J Lavoie (Fall River native) just for us. See the email for this week for the PDF from the City Hall for more info on an art contest!
P.S.: As you know, SLG, PPG and Self Assessments were due today. Please, if for some reason you were not able to get this done, let me know if you need help. I will be reviewing all 48 teachers on TeachPoint next week, as I now have one week to give you all feedback!
Have a wonderful weekend!
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