Tuesday Artist's Blog- Entry 2 January 11, 2022

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Tuesday Artist's Blog- Entry 2: The Wrap Up of Semester 1!

Welcome to another week in the arts!

  • This week, in 6-12 schools, teachers will be planning a combo of wrap up tasks with students in order to get projects completed for assessments, and final grading.  It's a very busy time, and with so many students out, it can be difficult to get all of that work in.  If you have students who are out due to COVID protocol (and may not have time in class to complete a project), you may want to consider an alternative that still gets them engaged in something related to the concept/art, but in a way that they can complete it while using technology at home.  This way, you can close your grading without having to wait until they return, and avoid doing a grade change form (high school).  
  • Also, big shout out to the elementary art teachers who facilitated the MLK art contest work!  I will be collecting the student submissions today and tomorrow and will give them to Aja Grice.  Thank you!
  • In PLC this week, with middle school teams, we talked through a few things- Bulletin Board making for January/February, Black History Month Lessons, and getting ready for the "Second First Day of School" AKA Semester 2..  Please take the time you need with students in this first week of new classes to set expectations for learning and behavior, as that time is needed in order to have a safe and effective classroom.  
  • Finally, thank you to those who have sent in the Supply Order Lists!
Planning Ahead:
  • Monday, January 17th- MLK Day: No School
  • Friday, January 21st- End of Semester 1 (check with your school for X2 Grading Window)
  • Friday, February 4th- PD Day for K-8 Schools
Lesson Planning for Jan/February:  As you plan your lessons, please think about celebrating Black Artists throughout the next weeks.  We in the past have designed and shared some really solid lesson ideas around black performers and artists that engage all students, and provide some really great task making- whether in art, music, music tech or acting..  Here are a few ideas and a list of some to think about (also, see maps):

The Art of Ed (Log in and check Flex Lessons)

The Virtual Learning Walk:
  • As you know, I was a little "stuck" this time around and was not able to leave the building and get into your buildings this term to do the usual learning walk- I shared a FlipGrid link for you to share- I am hoping to get most of these in by the end of next week (I know some are out, and that's OK).. Here is the LINK again for you!  Have fun with this!
Have a wonderful week,
