Welcome Back to the BLOG!

Thanks, Carina Nunes, Kuss Art Teacher!

Good morning, team!  Just wanted to thank you all for making the first week go amazingly smooth.  I was in every school Thursday and I have to say it was so great to see our kids back in action.  Here's the first weekly blog of 2022/23!

In the NEWs:

We have new team members to welcome!  

  • Itsva Hernandez- Orchestra 
  • Loredana Mello- Orchestra LTS
  • Owen Flanagan- Music Talbot
  • Liz Tobiaz- Music Talbot LTS
  • Rita Lombardi- Art Talbot
  • Gabrielle Toscano- Music Morton
  • Gabriela Roias- Art LTS Morton
  • Will Silva- Music Tech Kuss (new position)
  • Chelsea Burnham (Swan)- Moved to Kuss Music, also new K-8 Lead
  • Alexandra Barnes- New Art/Tech Teacher 5-8 at Doran
  • Carlton Pina- HLCS Music LTS
  • Lindsay Dalton- Tansey Music LTS
  • Yamiel (Mr. Isaac) Suarez Garcia- RPA/Durfee Music Tech
  • Hailey Araujo- Fonseca Music/Arts LTS
  • Van Riley- Special Ed Music Itinerant (HLCS/Stone/SB/Let)
  • Christina Winsor- Yes, she started in April, but still new!  Special Ed Music Itinerant (HLCS/Stone/SB/Let)

    Welcome, new team members!  Please reach out to any of us if you need anything.  I am always a text/email away.  

    • I will be at middle and high school PLCs every week.  I have put half of these on my calendar, but need the rest of the middle school PLC times, so once those are set, let me know and I will be there!
    • In PLC, we will be lesson planing.  Please have your CB ready- we will work, collab on lessons and scaffolds for those who need them.
    • Lesson plans- please consider using the TEMPLATE, and share these as per your building's routine.  For my team, we will be sharing them in the folders every Monday by 8.
    • Absent?  Please put in your absences in Frontline/Aesop by 6AM.  Sub plans should also be in this request, or you can email them to me, or your building sub person (for elem/middle).
    • If you need access to the maps, grade level standards, etc, PLEASE reach out to either Rochelle Pettenati or Chelsea Burnham.  That way, you will have the grade level standards to plan with.
    • The Band and Orchestra teachers will be holding the annual Instrument Rental Night on Thursday, September 29th at 5PM.  Details will go out to all kids who are interested.  Here are the forms for elementary- fourth and fifth grades.
    Have a wonderful long weekend!

