Behold below, the fearless Julia Klinger leading the Durfee Band at the Side By Side Concert at UMASS!

As we plan ahead, I put some ideas down on paper here (see above)... The arts team is working super hard on preparing for the BIG K-12 Arts Expo.
I am meeting with Debby Sardinha Monday to plan for the Expo PR plan. She will be pumping the info in all three languages to parents, students and the community. Please use the "golden ticket" and/or Flyer to promote the event with your kids and families. It would be so amazing to see even more people here than we had last year (which was a blast by the way..).
K-8 Art Teachers: I have requested of your principals to allow you to be released to come to Durfee to set up at noon on that Thursday the 18th. Please bring your art rolls with you- don't pack them too heavy! (take that from me- I've done that LOL) When arriving here at Durfee, pull into the front, drop off at security (I will be there to help) and then go park. If you cannot bring/lift them and need assistance, please have your rolls ready in your school office prior to May 12th so I can arrange for Russ Lewis to pick them up.
This year, we have a few new additions to the EXPO!
- Fashion Show- Ana Arsenio and her students have an amazing show planned for us!
- Student DJ- Abby Casey's student will be DJ'ing for the Fashion Show!
- Metal Monday Mash Up- Justin Gallagher's guitar students will be performing at the event- they are amazing.
- And of course, the AMAZING ART WORK from all grades!
In the News This Week:
- Congressional Art Competition
- Evals
- PLC Plans
- End of Year
Congressional Art Competition:
This week, Heather Pereira submitted several student art pieces to the contest (see below). This contest is for high school 2D students, ad is held annually. The winner will be announced on Sunday at 2PM at the Attelboro Art Museum.
Evaluation time is coming, so I want to make sure all of my people are ready and feel good about it. Please, do not be afraid to reach out if you need help preparing for your eval meeting. I can run through your evidence with you, and we can plan how you will present your info for your PPG, SLG and 4 standards.
Just a refresher: You should have 1-3 artifacts for the SLG, the PPG, and for each of the four standards. Some of these artifacts can be used for multiple things- example: a lesson plan may show evidence of rigorous lesson planning (standard 1) AND scaffolding (standard 2).. an email exchange with a parent may show standard 3 and maybe even standard 2 or a goal.. Please don't feel like you need to add several items- 1 piece of high quality evidence is better than 4 questionable ones!
PLC Plans:
As we are knee deep in prep for the EXPO, PLC time for the next 3 weeks will be used for this. I will not be visiting middle schools to facilitate PLC until the week after the Expo. Music teachers may also be preparing for the concerts in schools, so hopefully this extra time will assist in getting ready for the performances.
End of Year:
Just a heads up that the end of year in Fall River always has two release time days planned- Thu/Friday June 15 and 16 will be these days. I will plan one PD option on the Thursday (6/15) and will let you know in advance the details- it will be in person, and will be facilitated by me, with assistance from our fearless K-8 Leads. Stay tuned for more information.
Supply Orders: I will send art teachers the order forms after the arts expo is over. These district supplies will be ordered for next year. In addition each teacher will get a budget to spend on additional classroom supplies.. details to follow including how to build a requisition.
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