Thursday, December 7th, 2023

 In the news this week...

Emily Fleet, Durfee Alum visited on Wednesday and worked with the Chorus.  We love having these "Master Classes" for our kids so they can be exposed to solid role models.  Thank you, LB Terry for making this happen.

The BMC Durfee Marching Band was AHHH-Mazing at the Christmas Parade last weekend.  The Kuss, Morton and Talbot Chorus groups were also rockin' the streets, so thank you to all who made this event fun and safe for our kids!

Last Friday, Drew Woodward, Matt Desmarais, and members of the community/chamber met to plan the roll out of an amazing Fashion Design Career Pathway.  Students will be able to take courses here at Durfee that connect them to UMASS Dartmouth's Fashion Design program, and then ALSO be able to engage in a paid internship as part of their senior coursework IN THE CITY OF FALL RIVER.  Ana Arsenio has been a DYNAMO in terms of bringing this program from 0-250 in two years.  So proud of her- that vision, that will, that support, those high standards- all make it amazing.

And SPECIAL PROPS go to ROCHELLE PETTENATI who has been working at Watson as the Art teacher until we get our new amazing art teacher- starting Monday.. Ms. Juliette Casselman!!!  So excited to have Juliette on the team!

And now, some work deets.

K-8 Monthly Department Meetings:
Attendance has been decreasing at these important monthly meetings.  If you are absent from school, please let your Lead Teacher know that you were out.  Principals have been reminded that this team does their 1 hour contracted department time with their K-8 Leads monthly, and therefore do not have to do that time in the building.  All staff have two contractual hours per month (one faculty/one dept) and we have articulated an agreement with principals so that you do the one faculty meeting at your school and one with us.  Moving forward, I'll communicate to principals monthly in terms of attendance so they are aware that you are attending.  Please email Chelsea Burnham (music) or Kerin McGillicuddy (art) with any questions.

Music: January 9th virtual
Art: Special December in person meetings: Middle School -December 13th 3-4pm at Barrett’s Alehouse and Elementary meeting is December 20th 3:45-4:45 place TBA.
January's virtual meetings: Middle school Jan 10th 3-4pm & Elementary school Jan 24th 3:45-4:45pm

9-12 Department Meetings:  Durfee has two department meetings this month- the 12th and the 20th.. see you in 1311 from 3-4 PM!

Matilda the Musical!!!  It's finally HERE- so excited for these kids to SHINE.  Thank you goes out to the team who made this happen- LB Terry, Abby Casey, Gary Bigelow, Addison Kaeterle, the Actors, the Tech Team, and Joseph Fontinha even helped getting the set ready!  It takes a village!  And this is one HECK of a VILLAGE, PEOPLE!
Ticket info  HERE!!!

Winter Concert Season is Among Us!!!

12/12 - 6PM

Morton Concert

Morton Aud

12/12 - 6PM

Kuss Concert

Kuss Aud

12/13 - 6PM

Talbot Concert

Talbot Aud

12/14 - 6PM

Durfee Winter Concert

Durfee Auditorium

*12/19- 6PM HLCS and Doran Concert in the HLCS Auditorium

Have you seen the new awesome mural at the parking garage, and do you know who the artist was?  Check this out!

Thank you, have a wonderful weekend, and see you at MATILDA!!!

