Week Ending April 12th, 2024


Talbot Chuck Close Inspired Collaborative Art Piece- Thanks Rita!

This week, in the ARTS:

  • Durfee Talent Show is BACK
  • Vacation Ahead
  • Learning Walk
  • NEASC Visit Ends
  • Arts EXPO Ahead
  • Spring Concerts Ahead
  • Term 4 Focus for 6-12 CPT/PLC
Durfee's Got TALENT:
Check out the amazing variety of work right here!  Durfee's Got Talent FO SHO!

Vacation DEAD Ahead:

Yes, it's that time of year, and it always feels soooo long to get here, but when we do, I always ask myself, how did that go by so quickly?  It's been a great school year.  Let's kick it in to the finish as we prepare to come back from that week off.  Here's some Polly Bath inspo fun for you.

Learning Walk:

Just a reminder that I will be walking through all arts classes during the week of April 22-26, gathering information regarding tasks planned, content vocab, and grade level expectations.  See you there!

NEASC Visit at Durfee:

Durfee wrapped up their decennial visit this week, and I was so proud to see students from Music Production explain their task with the visiting team.  Here is the lesson they engaged with to produce this high quality work.  PLEASE TAKE A LOOK AT THE COMPONENTS OF THIS LESSON!


Art teachers are busy preparing for the annual HUGE EXPO.  Teachers, please continue to use your CPT/Dept time to prepare for this event, and let me know if you need anything.  When we return from break, we will send families the flyers to invite them to the event!

Spring Concerts:
Let's also remember that Band, Chorus and Orchestra teachers and students are in the midst of preparing for the annual Spring Concerts!  Here are the dates:

4/11- Durfee Talent Show


DHS Spring Concert #1 

Durfee Auditorium 


DHS Spring Concert #2 and ARTS EXPO

Durfee Aud/Atrium


Civil War Memorial Performance 

Civil war memorial

MAY 31st

MS Park Trip


5/20 5PM

Durfee Performing Arts Awards Ceremony

Durfee Cafeteria

5/21 6PM

Morton Spring Concert


5/22 6PM

HLCS and Doran Concert

Doran Caf.

5/22 6PM

Kuss Spring Concert


5/23 6PM

Talbot Spring Concert

Talbot Auditorium

Focus for Term 4 PLC:

We will dive back into our work around planning for academic conversations in 6-12 CPT/PLCs.  Specifically, we will collaboratively work on building tasks that are driven by not only great Content Objectives, but also Language Objectives.  If you are not yet familiar with Language Objectives, here is a short clip explaining what they are!

Have a wonderful break!

