Week Ending May 17, 2024


In The News This Week
  • Concerts
  • Expo- The Aftermath
  • Next Week- Two Big Music Events
  • 17 +2(.5) = EOY
  • Welcome Dax Dodge
  • Man, Oh Man.. the Durfee Dual Concerts were absolute FIRE.  Our amazing, and I mean, AH-mazing directors (LB, Julia and Nicole) were spot on with leading our performers onstage as they WOWed the crowd.  Chorus boldly went with a new look and feel as they performed show choir pieces, and the audience was in love.  Jazz Band sounded soooo good as they played the Days of Wine and Roses (and more).   And Orchestra performed another rendition of one of my favs- hint.. it included ZOMBIES.  And Concert Band came back for night numero 2 to rock the house!  And Abby Casey's Music Production student performed their work in between sets!! LOVE it!
    • Middle School Concerts are coming up!  See the flyers for info!

Post EXPO:
  • This year's expo was jam packed with some really great work from your students.  I know I see lesson plans from you, and we talk about task planning in CPT, but there is NOTHING like seeing the work in person.  And you know what's even more amazing?  When I walk by and hear kids talking about their work and processes with their family and friends.  And what about that Fashion Show?  I mean, second to NONE.  So cool to see students PROUD of themselves and their work as they worked that runway.  Oh, and the DJ!  I felt like I was at a professional fashion show!  What an amazing culmination of arts work in action- a "symphony" of superstars.
  • All work has been wrapped up- thank you to Heather Pereira, Joseph Fontinha, Katie Grinnell, Alex Gaspar, Jenne Mattei, Steph Pereira and Megan Joyce for staying to help roll it all up.  All work will be returned to you in the next two days.  Please feel free to use this work again for a school based show!
Next Week:
  • Vets Trip- Elementary Music trip is next week!  Letourneau, Doran, Greene, Fonseca and Spencer Borden students will travel to the Vets Memorial for the LINK UP Concert- get those recorders ready 'cuz it's ON like DONKEY KONG!  Buses have been ordered, and you should be traveling with your permission slips (or a classroom teacher should have them on hand) so that you have emergency contacts if needed.  Best of luck!
  • Internal Adjudication Fest- Our middle school band, chorus and orchestra students will be adjudicated by a musician other than their teacher during this event on Friday May 24th.  The hosts this year are Morton and Kuss.  Ensembles will be given a trophy with their rating on it that they can proudly bring back to their school (and show off!).
17 +2(.5) = EOY:
  • Simply put, this is the equation for the remainder of the school year.
  • 17 Full Days- plan to keep kids engaged or be prepared for loopy adolescent behavior LOL
  • 2 Half Days- Some schools have short schedules on these days, field days, etc.. be prepared for cleaning, inventorying and whatever rolls your way.
Welcome Dax!
Please give a warm welcome to the newest and cutest member of the FRPS Fine and Performing Arts Team- Dax Dodge!

Happy weekend, everyone!
